HydrogenCube™ Gas Storage Bundles

No downtime
Empty units are easily swapped with full units
Use with any fuel cell, compressor, or electrolyzer
Much lighter and less expensive than batteries for equal energy storage
Enables plug-and-play fuel cells for remote and/or off-grid locations
Easily loaded or unloaded using standard trucks
Fully plumbed drop & swap solution
  • HydrogenCube Bundle 3x3 Vertical
  • HydrogenCube Module 1x5 horizontal mount
  • HydrogenCube Module 1x5 Horizontal
  • Photo of the HydrogenCube Module with 9 tanks connected together
  • Photo of the H2 Cube Plumbing
  • Photo of the HydrogenCube Module 2x2
  • HydrogenCube Module 3x3 Horizontal

Steelhead Composites HydrogenCube™ Bundles offer safe, cost-effective, lightweight, and portable compressed hydrogen gas storage system. Once empty, the system is easily swapped for a full unit and transported for refill at the closest station.

A Single HydrogenCube Bundle will:

  • Recharge a small fleet of electric vehicles
  • Store enough energy to power a small home for a month
  • Provide backup power for life support systems